3-min Video Pitch

The video should be to the standard of that taken on a hand held mobile recording device or better – it is not necessary to pay for an external party to produce a professional video solely for this competition unless you really wish to do so. It is the content of the pitch which matters. We would encourage applicants to show their product or service in the 3 minute video as this often helps bring your offering to life for the judging panel during the assessment process.

YouTube is the preferred option for uploading video content and we would encourage applicants to amend their video to the unlisted option when uploading a video to YouTube (link below). The time limit for videos is 3 minutes maximum. Any video content beyond 3 minutes will not be viewed during assessments.

How to change video to Unlisted.

Once the video content has been uploaded to YouTube (or another preferred format i.e. Vimeo) then you must provide the full URL link on your Scottish EDGE Application where requested.

Please refer to the Scottish EDGE Competition Brochure for a more detailed breakdown.